Kiran Bhat

Kiran Bhat

Hello! I'm a master's student at Stanford University studying computer science.

In my free time, I enjoy writing music, taking photos, and playing basketball.








Computer Science

CS 255 Cryptography

CS 238 Decision Making Under Uncertainty

CS 236 Deep Generative Models

CS 231N Deep Learning for Computer Vision

CS 229 Machine Learning

CS 224N Natural Language Processing

CS 161 Design and Analysis of Algorithms

CS 155 Computer and Network Security

CS 148 Computer Graphics and Imaging

CS 144 Computer Networking

CS 111 Operating Systems Principles

CS 109 Probability for Computer Science

CS 107 Computer Organization and Systems

CS 106L Standard C++ Programming Laboratory

CS 106B Programming Abstractions

CS 103 Mathematical Foundations of Computing

Music and Acoustics

CS 476A Music, Computing, and Design

CS 470 Music and AI

CS 275A Symbolic Musical Information

CS 170 Stanford Laptop Orchestra

MUSIC 320 Audio Signal Processing

MUSIC 319 Computational Models of Sound Perception

MUSIC 257 Neuroplasticity and Musical Gaming

MUSIC 220A Computer-Generated Sound


PHYSICS 59 Frontiers of Physics Research

PHYSICS 46 Light and Heat Laboratory

PHYSICS 45 Light and Heat

PHYSICS 44 Electricity and Magnetism Laboratory

PHYSICS 43 Electricity and Magnetism

PHYSICS 42 Classical Mechanics Laboratory

PHYSICS 41 Mechanics


ENGR 40M Electrical Engineering

MATH 51 Linear Algebra and Multivariable Calculus

CS 547 Human-Computer Interaction Seminar

CS 106S Coding for Social Good

THINK 65 Preventing Human Extinction

MUSIC 123B Undergraduate Seminar in Composition: Pitch Design

MUSIC 72D Jazz Piano